PMc Software

Day Night Modes

       Programming Software for Panasonic VoiceMail and Telephone Systems


Day Night Modes

The Panasonic Voice Mail system has the ability to operate in two different modes. These are called Day and Night modes. Typically Day mode is used for normal business hours and Night mode is used for any other time. This allows the system to behave differently for different times of the day automatically.

Setting the Day and Night modes

To set the day and night modes click the Day/Night Modes button from the Main Screen (Picture 6). The following screen will be shown.

Picture 11: Day Night Modes

Day & Night Modes

Three options are given Day mode, Night mode and Automatic Day/Night switching. Select the day you wish to modify (by clicking on the tab) then click the mode you wish to use.

When selecting Automatic switching the Day Start and End times will be displayed. Set these for when you would like day mode to start and finish.

When you are satisfied with the setting click OK. To exit without changing click the Cancel button.